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A comparative analysis of the cost-effectiveness of guerilla vs. traditional marketing strategies for SMEs operating on limited budgets in Delhi NCR


Shashank Mathur, Dr Ruchika Nayyar


The purpose of this research is to determine whether guerilla marketing techniques are more cost-effective than traditional marketing strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating on tight budgets. SMEs frequently have limited resources, therefore selecting the best marketing plan is essential to their survival and expansion. This study uses a thorough examination of standard and guerilla marketing strategies, taking into account the expenses, reach, and effects on the target audiences of each. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study collects quantitative data through surveys and financial analysis in addition to qualitative data through interviews with managers and owners of SMEs. We'll compare and contrast typical marketing channels like print, radio, television, and online advertising with guerilla marketing strategies, which are defined by their unique and inventive approaches. Important performance metrics, such as cost of acquiring new customers and return on the evaluation of investment and brand recognition will be used to determine how successful each plan is. In addition, the study looks at how flexible these approaches are in different sectors and regions, taking into account the fact that SMEs work in a variety of environments. To offer useful insights and a comprehensive grasp of the drawbacks and advantages of each strategy, case studies and real-world examples will be incorporated. The purpose of this study's conclusions is to help SMEs consider their financial constraints when choosing their marketing methods. SMEs can maximize their marketing efforts and raise their level of competitiveness in the market by figuring out the most economical techniques. Additionally, the study advances scholarly knowledge of how small business marketing methods are changing in an era of limited resources and increasing competition.


Guerrilla marketing, Traditional marketing, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs),Cost-effectiveness, Tight budgets, Unique and inventive approaches ,Performance metrics ,Cost of acquiring new customers ,Return on investment


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A comparative analysis of the cost-effectiveness of guerilla vs. traditional marketing strategies for SMEs operating on limited budgets in Delhi NCR. Shashank Mathur, Dr Ruchika Nayyar. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 2. Pages 1-14.

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