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Impact of Emerging Technologies in the Food Industry


Satvik Aggarwal


This study investigates the impact of emerging technologies on the food industry, specifically focusing on the adoption and usage of e-grocery shopping. Data from 100 users were analysed to discern the factors influencing consumer behaviour in online grocery shopping. The research aims to identify the key aspects of e-grocery shopping that appeal to consumers and to provide recommendations for broadening its user base.

The findings reveal that perceived usefulness and ease of use are the primary determinants driving users adoption and usage of e-grocery shopping. Moreover, factors such as social influence, packaging material, quality of the product and the knowledge of the consumer about the emerging technology used while making the product significantly impact adoption rates. Based on these insights, the study suggests strategies for retailers to enhance the perceived utility and ease of use of e-grocery shopping, leverage social influence, ensure optimal facilitating conditions, and offer competitive pricing to incentivize adoption among customers. The research underscores that consumers prioritize the perceived utility and simplicity of use when engaging in e-grocery purchasing experiences. By contributing to the existing knowledge on consumer acceptance of e-commerce, this study offers practical implications for grocery stores seeking to increase their online market share.


E-grocery Shopping, Packaging, Sustainable Packing, Cold Storages, IoT, Intelligent Cold Storage, Customer Awareness


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Impact of Emerging Technologies in the Food Industry. Satvik Aggarwal. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 2. Pages 1-10.

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