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Exploring the Impact of Climate Change on Plant Diversity: A Comprehensive Analysis of Global Botanical Shifts


Dr. Deepika Lodha, Dr. Nitika Singh


Plant diversity is fundamental to ecosystem health and resilience, yet it faces numerous threats, including climate change, habitat destruction, and invasive species. This research paper synthesizes current knowledge on plant diversity, its drivers, ecological consequences, conservation strategies, challenges, and future directions. Data and case studies demonstrate the importance of plant diversity for ecosystem functioning and the impacts of climate change on plant communities globally. Conservation strategies such as protected areas, habitat restoration, and community engagement are effective in safeguarding plant diversity, but significant challenges remain. Addressing these challenges requires integrated approaches that consider ecological, social, and economic dimensions. Investing in research, education, and public awareness is essential for fostering a deeper appreciation of the importance of plant diversity and promoting sustainable conservation practices. Sustaining plant diversity is crucial for ensuring the long-term health and resilience of ecosystems. By taking concerted action at local, regional, and global scales, we can mitigate the threats to plant diversity and preserve these vital components of biodiversity for future generations.


Plant diversity, climate change, conservation, biodiversity, ecosystem resilience, habitat destruction, invasive species, sustainable land management


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Exploring the Impact of Climate Change on Plant Diversity: A Comprehensive Analysis of Global Botanical Shifts. Dr. Deepika Lodha, Dr. Nitika Singh. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 2. Pages 1-10.

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