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Assessing The Effectiveness of Vaccination Programs In Preventing Infectious Diseases


Falah Saqer Owaidh Alotaibi, Abdullah Shadeed Al-Osaimi, Adel Mousa Alreshidi


Vaccination programs have been crucial in preventing the spread of infectious diseases for decades. This essay assesses the effectiveness of vaccination programs in preventing infectious diseases by examining various studies and data. The research methodology involved reviewing scientific literature and analyzing the findings to determine the impact of vaccination programs on disease prevention. The results indicate that vaccination programs have significantly reduced the incidence of infectious diseases and saved countless lives. The discussion explores the reasons behind the success of vaccination programs and addresses any challenges faced in their implementation. Ultimately, this essay concludes that vaccination programs are highly effective in preventing infectious diseases and recommends their continued support and expansion to protect global public health.


vaccination programs, infectious diseases, prevention, effectiveness, public health


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Assessing The Effectiveness of Vaccination Programs In Preventing Infectious Diseases. Falah Saqer Owaidh Alotaibi, Abdullah Shadeed Al-Osaimi, Adel Mousa Alreshidi. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 1. Pages 1-3.

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