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The Ministry of Health Efforts to Combat Epidemics and Promote Public Health for Citizens and Visitors


Falah Saqer Owaidh Alotaibi, Fahad Ayed Al Qarni, Mohammed Ahmed Hadadi, Abdullah Ali Thamari


The Ministry of Health plays a crucial role in combating epidemics and promoting public health for both citizens and visitors. This essay explores the various strategies and efforts undertaken by the Ministry of Health to safeguard the well-being of the population. Through a review of the methods employed, results achieved, and discussions on the challenges faced, it becomes evident that the Ministry of Health is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all individuals within its jurisdiction. The conclusion highlights the importance of continuous vigilance and collaboration in addressing public health issues effectively.


Ministry of Health, epidemics, public health, citizens, visitors


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The Ministry of Health Efforts to Combat Epidemics and Promote Public Health for Citizens and Visitors. Falah Saqer Owaidh Alotaibi, Fahad Ayed Al Qarni, Mohammed Ahmed Hadadi, Abdullah Ali Thamari. 2020. IJIRCT, Volume 6, Issue 1. Pages 1-3.

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