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Hypnotics And Overuse from A Psychological Perspective


Saad Nasser AlShetwi, Abdullah Saleh Alhamad, Abdulrahman Saad AlZeer, Muteb Rasheed AlMutib


Hypnotics, commonly prescribed medications for sleep disorders, have seen a rise in overuse in recent years. This essay examines the psychological perspective on hypnotics and their potential for overuse. The research methodology involves a comprehensive review of literature from reputable journals on the effects of hypnotics on psychological well-being, the reasons behind their overuse, and the possible consequences of long-term use. The results reveal a concerning trend of over-reliance on hypnotics without proper consideration of psychological factors. The discussion explores the implications of this overuse and the need for a more holistic approach to treating sleep disorders. In conclusion, it is evident that addressing the psychological aspects of hypnotic use is crucial in preventing overuse and promoting better overall health.


hypnotics, overuse, psychological perspective, sleep disorders, medication


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Hypnotics And Overuse from A Psychological Perspective. Saad Nasser AlShetwi, Abdullah Saleh Alhamad, Abdulrahman Saad AlZeer, Muteb Rasheed AlMutib. 2018. IJIRCT, Volume 4, Issue 1. Pages 1-3.

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