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Understanding Customer Perspectives and Satisfaction in Retail Banking


Dr. Kavita Kumari


This study investigates the complex interplay between customer perception and satisfaction within the domain of retail banking. Given the evolving nature of financial services and the growing importance of customer-centric approaches, understanding customer sentiment is crucial for the success of banks. Through a thorough examination of existing literature and empirical research, this paper aims to shed light on the factors that shape customer perception and satisfaction in retail banking. Key elements such as service quality, convenience, trust, technological innovation, and personalized experiences are analyzed in detail. Moreover, the influence of demographic variables and cultural factors on customer perceptions is explored. By synthesizing insights from various sources, this study offers valuable guidance for banks to refine their strategies and offerings, thereby cultivating stronger customer relationships and gaining a competitive edge in the retail banking industry.


Customer Perception, Customer Satisfaction, Retail Banking, Digital Banking Platforms, Security and Reliability, Technological Innovation, Personalized Service


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Understanding Customer Perspectives and Satisfaction in Retail Banking. Dr. Kavita Kumari. 2023. IJIRCT, Volume 9, Issue 3. Pages 1-4.

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