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Witchcraft and Witch-Hunting Practices in Jharkhand, India


Meena Kumari


Witchcraft and witch-hunting practices in Jharkhand present a complex and multifaceted phenomenon deeply entrenched in the socio-cultural fabric of the region. This research paper delves into the historical roots, socio-cultural significance, and contemporary manifestations of witchcraft and witch-hunting in Jharkhand. Drawing on interdisciplinary insights from anthropology, sociology, history, and law, the study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of this issue. Historically, witchcraft has been practiced by various indigenous communities in Jharkhand. However, the colonial period brought about significant changes, with Western influences leading to stigmatization and persecution of individuals accused of witchcraft. Post-colonial India continues to grapple with the legacy of colonialism, as superstitions and beliefs in supernatural powers persist in many tribal communities, often resulting in instances of witch-hunting and violence. The consequences of witch-hunting are profound, with victims, predominantly women, facing physical, psychological, and economic hardships as a result of false accusations and persecution. Families and communities are torn apart, trust is eroded, and social cohesion is undermined, creating a climate of fear and suspicion. Efforts to address witchcraft and witch-hunting in Jharkhand have been undertaken by government agencies, NGOs, and grassroots initiatives, focusing on raising awareness, providing support to victims, and advocating for legislative reforms. However, challenges remain in eradicating these harmful practices and promoting social justice and equality. Through an interdisciplinary approach, this research seeks to contribute to the understanding of witchcraft and witch-hunting in Jharkhand, with the aim of informing policy interventions and promoting human rights, social justice, and cultural diversity. By examining the root causes of witch-hunting and identifying strategies for prevention and intervention, this study seeks to empower communities and promote positive change in the region and beyond.


Witchcraft, Witch-Hunting, Jharkhand, Indigenous Communities, Superstition, Gender Inequality, Legislative Responses, Victim-Centric Reparation, Social Justice.


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Witchcraft and Witch-Hunting Practices in Jharkhand, India. Meena Kumari. 2018. IJIRCT, Volume 4, Issue 2. Pages 1-9.

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