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Socioeconomic Challenges and Welfare Initiatives for Senior Citizens in India: A Comprehensive Analysis


Dr Mukesh Ahuja


This research paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the socioeconomic challenges and welfare initiatives for senior citizens in India. Through an examination of demographic trends, economic status, healthcare accessibility, and social isolation, the paper highlights the multifaceted nature of the issues faced by elderly individuals. It discusses various government programs, pension schemes, healthcare initiatives, and social support systems aimed at addressing the needs of senior citizens. The implementation and effectiveness of these welfare initiatives are evaluated, with a focus on coverage, financial allocation, challenges, and impact assessment. Additionally, the paper offers recommendations for enhancing welfare initiatives, including policy reforms, capacity building, community engagement, and technological solutions. The findings underscore the importance of addressing the diverse needs of senior citizens and promoting their well-being through targeted interventions and collaborative efforts.


Senior citizens, India, socioeconomic challenges, welfare initiatives, demographic trends, pension schemes, healthcare accessibility, social isolation, policy reforms, community engagement.


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Socioeconomic Challenges and Welfare Initiatives for Senior Citizens in India: A Comprehensive Analysis. Dr Mukesh Ahuja. 2015. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 3. Pages 1-5.

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