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A Systematic Literature Review of the Government of India regarding the Evaluation of the Working Conditions and Job Satisfaction of the Indian Railways Loco Pilots.


Kaushal Verma, Garima Saxena


This review of literature deals with the working conditions and job satisfaction of an Indian railways’ drivers which is having very high importance on their total wellbeing and hence their productivity and entire growth and safety of an Indian railway. The work of Indian railways’ drivers is considered as extremely stressful. It is working in an environment over which they have no control whatsoever and is an atmosphere that wrecks their schedules, disrupts their home life, makes social activities and regular breaks very hard to plan. This paper deals with the working conditions of Indian railways’ drivers and the factors that lead to a fatigue and stress, causing high probability of accident


Railway driver, working conditions, fatigue and stress loco pilots


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A Systematic Literature Review of the Government of India regarding the Evaluation of the Working Conditions and Job Satisfaction of the Indian Railways Loco Pilots.. Kaushal Verma, Garima Saxena. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 1. Pages 1-14.

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