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Ethnic origin of East Bengal origin Assamese Muslims in the Assamese discourse


Azizur Rahman


The Muslims of Assam has been categorized into different group. Broadly it can be classified as Assamese Muslims and non Assamese Muslim. The Assamese Muslims belong to Brahmaputra valley. They are regarded as part and parcel of greater Assamese life. Within the nomenclature of Assamese Muslim from vertically two distinct is prominent. They are Assamese Muslims and East Bengal Origin Assamese Muslims. The Assamese Muslims also known as Gariya, Mariya and Deshi. Wheras the second group also known as Bhatiya, Miya Abhibhaxi(=immigrants),Na-Axomiya (=neo Assamese).But there is always differences in opinion some are recognized them as Assamese but some are in view that as they have hailed from Bengali entity they don’t deserve it. Moreover, they even trying to identified them as foreign origin. As a result the identity of East Bengal origin Assamese Muslims become a matter of contention. The region wherefrom they have sprung was once a part of India but now due to partition become a separate country. So The emergence of a separate country has placed the identity of these group into dilemma. Whether they are really represent a foreign identity which has no relevance in Assamese life and identity or they have no difference but become a victim of constructed narrative, this need to be analyze in details. In this regard here an attempt has been made to justify their Assamese identity in the context of Ethnic distinction of these Muslims. Ethnically is there any affinity or represent totally different identity this has been discussed here.


ethnicity, ethnic group of Assam, Assamese Muslim, Muslim of East Bengal, elements in Indian Muslim


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Ethnic origin of East Bengal origin Assamese Muslims in the Assamese discourse. Azizur Rahman. 2016. IJIRCT, Volume 2, Issue 5. Pages 193-197.

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