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The Status of Job Satisfaction among State Aided College Teathers


Md. Farjul S.K.


Job Satisfaction of teachers is one of the most important determinant factors in the over all progress and improvement of any kind of educational institution.It is out come of teachers expressing based on the cognitive affective and psychomotor domain initiating job stability among teachers .job satisfaction is a lot of determined by how well outcomes exceed expectations.job satisfaction and job attitudes are typically used interchangeably . it is a relatively recent term since in previous centuries no one thought much of job satisfaction , since jobs were often pre-determined by profession. cutting edge means the most advance level of development and most particularly in the field of education. it is also deals with the most challenges of education .As the focus of the present paper is to investigate or find out the level of Job Satisfaction of general degree college teachers of west Bengal, there fore we can able to know the actual condition of job satisfaction of state aided college teachers through the present study .the researcher have developed a tool namely” teachers job satisfaction scale “by then selvesto measure the level of job satisfaction of state aided college teachers on the basis of five important dimension that are institutional satisfaction ,environmental satisfaction ,cognitive satisfaction ,financial satisfaction ,working satisfaction. the over all result indicates that significant relationship between job satisfaction and salary, promotion ,working environment ,etc.


Psychomotor Domain, Job Satisfaction


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The Status of Job Satisfaction among State Aided College Teathers. Md. Farjul S.K.. 2023. IJIRCT, Volume 9, Issue 4. Pages 1-5.

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