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The Impact of COVID-19 on Pharmacy Services


Mohammed Mazi Alanazi, Waheed Mansour Albarghash


Background: The pharmacy profession played a critical part in the frontline healthcare response to COVID-19. Community Pharmacetics are often the initial point of contact for credible information and guidance for many people with Covid-19-related questions or health concerns.

Methods: Pharmacist's and the pharmacy workforce can play an important role in preventing the spread of coronavirus COVID-19 by create an emergency plan and workflow, conduct thorough staff training and improve patient education.

Results: Pharmacists provide reassurance to the general public so that individuals can safeguard themselves and others based on strong scientific facts and sensible action.

Conclusions: pharmacies play an important role not only in ensuring access to medicines and medical devices, but also in public health, such as informing the public about preventative measures, advising about behavioural precautions, and risk assessment, early detection, and referral of individuals suspected of being infected.


COVID-19, Pharmacy Services, Coronavirus, Pharmacists Role in Pandemic, Pharmacists and COVID-19


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The Impact of COVID-19 on Pharmacy Services. Mohammed Mazi Alanazi, Waheed Mansour Albarghash. 2022. IJIRCT, Volume 8, Issue 5. Pages 1-5.

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