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A Study on Consumer Buying Behavior towards FMCG Products


Dr. Harishchandra S B


Next comes the survey to know which products are more important for the consumers, what are all the things they like in FMCG products what are all the things they didn’t like in such products, and how they are influenced to buy the particular brands are products and what is the most important for consumers buying FMCG products like price, place, quality or quantity like this questions lot of consumers respondents gives there opinion in the survey. There are accepted projects are which products are the brands they give more preference in the FMCG products.
the FMCG sector The first few pages talk about what products and what are the vision and mission for FMCG and quality policy and which is the top 5 companies in the FMCG sector this part consists of FMCG introduction Industry key players, consumer buying behavior and influencing factors and overview and growth of the FMCG products, which all companies are competitors and SWOT Analysis of the FMCG companies. Next comes details about FMCG background, and review, and next comes the research design meaning and statement of the problem, objective of the study, need of the study, scope of the study, limitations, and hypotheses.




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A Study on Consumer Buying Behavior towards FMCG Products. Dr. Harishchandra S B. 2019. IJIRCT, Volume 5, Issue 4. Pages 1-4.

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