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The Influence of Economic Vulnerability on the Behaviour of Malagasy Consumers


Rakotomalala Eddy, Andrianony Victorien, Andrianarizaka Harenatiana Harimpitia, Randrianarijaona Maeva


For many years now, consumers have been living in a deteriorating economic climate, characterised by a gloomy economic outlook. Fear of unemployment, uncertainties about the future, destabilisation of financial conditions, combined with a succession of accidental or recurring events, all reflect a changing and disruptive environment that is having an impact on consumer behaviour. It is in this context of economic uncertainty that consumption patterns become problematic for marketing specialists. This raises the question of how economic vulnerability might influence consumer behaviour. Based on the results of a survey of a sample of 341 Madagascan consumers, this research looks at the impact of economic incapacity on consumer purchasing criteria and decisions.


Vulnerability, Economy, Consumers, Behaviour, Adaptation.


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The Influence of Economic Vulnerability on the Behaviour of Malagasy Consumers. Rakotomalala Eddy, Andrianony Victorien, Andrianarizaka Harenatiana Harimpitia, Randrianarijaona Maeva. 2023. IJIRCT, Volume 9, Issue 6. Pages .

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