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An Analysis of Women Empowerment through Entrepreneurial Activities of Self-help Groups in Rajasthan


Aditi Lawaniya, Tirlok Kumar Jain, Leena Sharma


The purpose of this study is to learn more about the socio-economic influence of women in Jaipur. This paper aims at understanding about the socio-economic impact of Skilled women in Jaipur. This study also consists of detailed analysis and interpretation of the changes of Skill empowerment of members of Self Help Group of Jaipur, i.e., income and saving before & after joining SHGs, confidence, leadership skills and knowledge. The focus of literature review was on the socio-economic impact on women's lives. Self Help Groups are charitable organizations that play a major role in the social and economic conditions of poor people, especially in the welfare of women.


Self Help Groups (SHGs), Women Skill Empowerment, Self-confidence, Leadership Skills,Welfare of Women


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An Analysis of Women Empowerment through Entrepreneurial Activities of Self-help Groups in Rajasthan. Aditi Lawaniya, Tirlok Kumar Jain, Leena Sharma. 2023. IJIRCT, Volume 9, Issue 5. Pages 1-7.

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