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LockShield: Image Steganography with cryptography for client-side cloud storage


Amita V. Shah, Pooja Shah


Steganography translates to "covered in concealed writing". By using computer-based steganography, it is possible to alter so-called digital carriers, such as images and sounds. If successful, the alterations represent the concealed message but have no obvious effect on the carrier. Information can be concealed in carriers including photos, audio files, text files, videos, and data transmissions via steganography. When the message is concealed within the carrier, a stego carrier, such as a stego-image, is created. Hopefully, the human senses will perceive it as closely as possible to the original carrier or cover image. The most common carrying media is images. The following describes how they are used for steganography. First, the message might be encrypted. They are utilized for steganography in the manner listed below. Initially, the message might be decrypted. The secret message to be told is concealed within a graphic file by the sender. As a result, a phenomenon known as stego-image is created. A stegokey or any additional secret information may be required throughout the hiding procedure. The addressee then receives this stego-image. Another major problem is storing the data on Cloud Storage services, which are used by many people. Today almost everybody and most software make use of cloud services directly or indirectly. There are various cloud service providers such as Google Drive, One Drive, and Dropbox. Various parameters surround the cloud such as bandwidth, location, and pricing. But security is one of the most important aspects that's why most cloud services make use of service-side encryption, for example, Google Drive uses the AES 256 encryption algorithm. But if a third party has illegitimate access to the cloud, then the data is vulnerable. The following abstract proposes a review of research on cloud security issues and their solutions specifically through the implementation of client-side data encryption using techniques such as image steganography and cryptography. In the literature on picture encryption, numerous cryptosystems have been introduced to increase communication security. This research suggests a revolutionary picture encryption approach based on a faster algorithm than existing ones. The proposed method ensures that the secret key is never disclosed during the encryption process. Steganography, symmetric encryption, and asymmetric encryption theories serve as its foundations. The secret key is then hidden in the ciphered image using an at least significant bits steganographic strategy after being initially encrypted using an asymmetrical technique to cypher the image.


Client-Side Encryption, Data Security, Steganography, Cryptography, RSA


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LockShield: Image Steganography with cryptography for client-side cloud storage. Amita V. Shah, Pooja Shah. 2022. IJIRCT, Volume 8, Issue 2. Pages 1-9.

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