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First Breeding Records of Cattle Egret, Little Cormorant and Black Crowned Night Heron from Jaisalmer, Rajasthan; A Western Part of Thar Desert of India


Shyam Sunder Meena, Tansukh Barupal, Ram Bharat Meena, Dheeren Panwar


The aim of our study was too localized, described and the occurrence of the Cattle Egret, Little Cormorant and Black Crowned Night Heron. Our results show that Cattle Egret, Little Cormorant and Black Crowned Night Heron show in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan; a western part of Thar Desert of India during the bird watching activity. These were seen in the mansoon season. During the breeding they were clearly localized and indentified. We found very abundant information about their breeding site, and breeding grounds.


Thar desert, Mansoon season, Breeding site


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First Breeding Records of Cattle Egret, Little Cormorant and Black Crowned Night Heron from Jaisalmer, Rajasthan; A Western Part of Thar Desert of India. Shyam Sunder Meena, Tansukh Barupal, Ram Bharat Meena, Dheeren Panwar. 2023. IJIRCT, Volume 9, Issue 5. Pages 1-3.

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