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Evaluation of Contemporary Agricultural And Geo-environmental Change By The Thought of Von Thünen Model of Agricultural Land Use In India


Bipul Chakraborty, Firoj Mondal


Contemporary agricultural and geo-environmental change by the thought of von Thünen model of agricultural land use in india , Agarwal, Kabir (9 March 2021, create more sustainable agricultural production models. While the applicability of the classic von Thünen model appears, at times, relevant for different In the contexts, this present paper represents in general, and particularly for highly industrial economies, modifications of the classical model have Von Thünen, J. H. (1966) become the norm changing aspect of trend f agricultural land use in india .The term “agricultural revolution” refers to major agricultural changes brought about by innovations, discoveries, or new technology—agricultural revolutions in India altered industrial methods and enhanced output rates. Several agricultural revolutions in India signalled the start of an entirely new age in agriculture. Clark, C. (1976), Indian agriculture grew enormously as a result of the agricultural revolutions in India, which opened up new prospects.



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Evaluation of Contemporary Agricultural And Geo-environmental Change By The Thought of Von Thünen Model of Agricultural Land Use In India. Bipul Chakraborty, Firoj Mondal. 2023. IJIRCT, Volume 9, Issue 3. Pages 1-22.

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