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Impact of School Infrastructural Facilities on Academic Achievement of Students in Government Schools


Husanpreet Kaur


This research paper investigates the influence of school infrastructural facilities on the academic achievement of students in government schools. Drawing on a comprehensive analysis of existing literature, empirical evidence, and theoretical frameworks, the study examines the various dimensions through which infrastructural amenities such as classrooms, libraries, laboratories, sanitation facilities, and extracurricular spaces impact students' learning outcomes. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative analysis of standardized test scores and qualitative insights from interviews and surveys with students, teachers, and school administrators. Findings suggest a significant correlation between the quality of school infrastructure and academic performance, highlighting the importance of adequate resources, conducive learning environments, and community engagement in promoting student success. The paper concludes with recommendations for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders to prioritize investments in school infrastructure as a means of enhancing educational equity and improving learning outcomes in government schools.




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Impact of School Infrastructural Facilities on Academic Achievement of Students in Government Schools. Husanpreet Kaur. 2022. IJIRCT, Volume 8, Issue 6. Pages 29-31.

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