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A Study on Corporate Social Responsibility in India


Dr. Mukesh Singh Chandel


Corporate Social Responsibility refers to all such duties and obligations of business directed towards welfare of the society. Society and Business are interdependent. Business depends on society for its inputs and also for marketing of products. All the activities of the business should not harm the society rather they have to protect and contribute to the welfare of the society. Today CSR is mandatory for Indian companies. Indian government has made amendment to companies Act 2013 in the year 2014 which made every company to contribute 2% of their net profit made three immediate preceding years in every financial year. It is landmark that India is the first nation to made CSR as mandatory for companies. In this paper an effort has been made to study about history of Corporate Social Responsibility in India, Applicability of Corporate Social Responsibility in India, Top ten companies’ CSR fund in India from the year 2017-18 to the year 2020-21. It is based on secondary data collected from Text books, Journals, Articles and websites.


CSR, CSR Fund, Companies Act 2013, Indian Companies, Indian Government


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A Study on Corporate Social Responsibility in India. Dr. Mukesh Singh Chandel. 2022. IJIRCT, Volume 8, Issue 4. Pages 24-27.

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