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Respiratory Infectious diseases and anesthesia in children


Hiba Abdulkarim Deria, Wael Mohammed Al Qahtani, Tarfa Mubarak Aldossari


Objectives: To determine the association between the respiratory tract infections (RTI) are a common childhood infection and anesthesia in children. Methods: We examined samples from all patients with lung infections for pathogenic bacteria. We obtained sputum samples from patients and cultured them. Findings: Streptococcus spp. was the most commonly detected bacterial species (37.8%) followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (24.3%) in children with lower respiratory tract infection. Novelty: In clinical practice, medical health care providers should focus on the risk factors associated with pulmonary complications following general anaesthesia, develop reasonable plans based on these risk factors, and implement targeted treatment strategies and nursing care to reduce the risk of respiratory infection complications after surgery.


Pediatric anesthesia, Respiratory tract infections (RTI), anaesthesia in children, Respiratory Infectious diseases


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Respiratory Infectious diseases and anesthesia in children. Hiba Abdulkarim Deria, Wael Mohammed Al Qahtani, Tarfa Mubarak Aldossari. 2022. IJIRCT, Volume 8, Issue 3. Pages 47-50.

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