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Face Mask and Social Distancing Detection Using Image Processing


Mr. Gaikwad Abhishek, Mr. Ghule Sachin, Mr. Salve Vishal, Mr. Ukade Akshay, Prof. Jadhav U. B.


After the breakout of the worldwide pandemic COVID-19, there arises a severe need of protection mechanisms, face mask being the primary one. The basic aim of the project is to detect the presence of a face mask on human faces on live streaming video as well as on images. We have used deep learning to develop our face detector model. The architecture used for the object detection purpose is Single Shot Detector (SSD) because of its good performance accuracy and high speed. Alongside this, we have used basic concepts of transfer learning in neural networks to finally output presence or absence of a face mask in an image or a video stream. Experimental results show that our model performs well on the test data with 100 percent and 99 percent precision and recall, respectively. We are making a savvy framework which will identify the whether the specific user has wear the mask or not and furthermore observing the social distancing of two user. Our framework will be python and AI based which will be the safe and quick for delivering the yields. At the point when the client is recognize without mask or dodging social distancing framework offers caution to control room, Control room in control make a declaration of wearing mask or follow social distancing , in the event that still user maintain a strategic distance from it , at that point the specific user will face police.


centralized system, Data, Transparency, access control mask Detection, Social Distancing


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Face Mask and Social Distancing Detection Using Image Processing. Mr. Gaikwad Abhishek, Mr. Ghule Sachin, Mr. Salve Vishal, Mr. Ukade Akshay, Prof. Jadhav U. B.. 2022. IJIRCT, Volume 8, Issue 3. Pages 22-26.

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