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A Study on Recent Agricultural Market Laws


Dr. Arifa Begum


Agriculture is the one of the most important sectors of the Indian economy. Integrated agricultural market laws are required for a successful agriculture sector. A variety of Agro-based companies and Agro-services rely heavily on the growth and development of agriculture and related sectors for their raw materials, which has a direct impact on the general public's well-being, rural prosperity, and employment. The primary goal of the Indian Constitution's implementation of agricultural regulations will be to safeguard farmers' interests. The study aims to critically examine the recent reforms undertaken by Indian agricultural market. The research concludes that the three regulations will weaken the role of major, regulated wholesale marketplaces on which they rely to sell their produce and make it simpler for giant agribusinesses to interact directly with farmers in an uncontrolled setting where they are more powerful.


Agricultural Laws, APMCs, Indian Constitution, Regulatory Policies


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A Study on Recent Agricultural Market Laws. Dr. Arifa Begum. 2021. IJIRCT, Volume 7, Issue 6. Pages 1-5.

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