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Impact of social media on learning at secondary level schools in India


Kannan G, Venkataraman S


This paper presents a summary of research that has been conducted into the impact of social media on learning at secondary level schools in India. It provides an overview of the various studies conducted in the field, the methodology applied, and the results and conclusions drawn. In particular, it highlights the potential advantages and disadvantages of using social media as an educational tool in secondary schools. The paper also provides an analysis of the implications of the findings and how they can be used to inform policy and practice. Finally, it presents a discussion of the challenges associated with using social media for educational purposes and the need for further research.


Impact social media, Learning, Secondary level schools


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Impact of social media on learning at secondary level schools in India. Kannan G, Venkataraman S. 2021. IJIRCT, Volume 7, Issue 5. Pages 6-8.

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