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An Interactive Voice Response System to Enhance Antidepressant Medication Compliance


Faisal Mohammad Al Ghofaili, Talal Muteb Alharbi, Nader Mahli Mohammed Alharbi, Mohammad Shabib Alharbi, Bandar Zaben Alharbi, Khaled Abdul Rahman Suleiman Al-Rashudi


Antidepressant medication compliance is a critical factor in the successful treatment of depression. However, many individuals struggle to adhere to their medication regimen due to various reasons such as forgetfulness, lack of understanding about the importance of medication, or side effects. An interactive voice response system (IVRS) can be a valuable tool in enhancing antidepressant medication compliance by providing reminders, education, and support to patients. This essay explores the potential of using IVRS to improve medication adherence and ultimately enhance the effectiveness of antidepressant treatment.


antidepressant medication, compliance, interactive voice response system, depression, treatment


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An Interactive Voice Response System to Enhance Antidepressant Medication Compliance. Faisal Mohammad Al Ghofaili, Talal Muteb Alharbi, Nader Mahli Mohammed Alharbi, Mohammad Shabib Alharbi, Bandar Zaben Alharbi, Khaled Abdul Rahman Suleiman Al-Rashudi. 2021. IJIRCT, Volume 7, Issue 4. Pages 29-31.

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