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Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s Vision about Education


Anu Jindal


Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the legendary Missile Man, had a vision for India. Vision 2020 was a document prepared under the leadership of Dr. Abdul Kalam to become a developed nation. During his presidency period, he talked about two main points: Education and Information Technology. Dr Abdul Kalam writes that education is the most important element for growth and prosperity of a nation. He writes that we should mobilize necessary resources for providing education to the under privileged people. Dr. kalam claimed to be a teacher right from the beginning of his career. He writes about qualities of teacher. He believes that students should ask questions to teachers. He advocates skill based education and also technology enhanced education. He believes that there is need to create a virtual university and virtual classrooms in India. He is of the view that education system has to be designed in a way that produce large number of employment generators and just not employment seekers.




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Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s Vision about Education. Anu Jindal. 2021. IJIRCT, Volume 7, Issue 4. Pages 26-28.

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