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Professional development of teachers at Secondary level schools in India


Kannan G, Venkataraman S


Professional development for teachers in secondary level schools in India has become an increasingly important area of focus for education policy makers in recent years. Research into the area has revealed a number of key issues to be addressed in order to ensure that teachers in India have the necessary support and resources to provide the best possible education for their students. This paper will review the research conducted on professional development for teachers at secondary level schools in India, and summarise the key issues identified by this research. The studies discussed have shown that there is a need for more comprehensive professional development initiatives in order to improve the quality of education in India. In particular, there is a need for better access to resources and more dedicated time for teachers to complete professional development activities.


Professional development, Teachers, Secondary level schools


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Professional development of teachers at Secondary level schools in India. Kannan G, Venkataraman S. 2021. IJIRCT, Volume 7, Issue 4. Pages 20-22.

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