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The Role of Lifestyle Factors in the Epidemiology Of Neurodegenerative Diseases.


Bander Nasser Alharbi, Abdulrahman Haif Aljish, Bunaydir Aali almotairi, Mohammed Abdullah Ali Al Nosyan, Mohammed Saleh Abdulkareem Al Juma


Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, pose a significant burden on individuals, families, and healthcare systems worldwide. While genetic factors play a crucial role in the development of these conditions, lifestyle factors also have a substantial on the epidemiology of neurodegenerative diseases. This essay explores the role of lifestyle factors in the onset and progression of neurodegenerative diseases, drawing on recent research and discussions in the field. The methodology involves a review of current literature on the topic to identify key lifestyle factors associated with neurodegenerative diseases. The discussion highlights the importance of factors such as diet, exercise, sleep, stress, and social interaction in the prevention and management of these conditions. It also considers the potential mechanisms through which lifestyle factors influence neurodegenerative disease risk. In conclusion, a holistic approach that addresses both genetic and lifestyle factors is essential in the fight against neurodegenerative diseases.


neurodegenerative diseases, lifestyle factors, epidemiology, prevention, management


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The Role of Lifestyle Factors in the Epidemiology Of Neurodegenerative Diseases.. Bander Nasser Alharbi, Abdulrahman Haif Aljish, Bunaydir Aali almotairi, Mohammed Abdullah Ali Al Nosyan, Mohammed Saleh Abdulkareem Al Juma. 2021. IJIRCT, Volume 7, Issue 2. Pages 9-12.

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