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Effect of Activity based Teaching on Retention of Science Achievement of Elementary School Students


Sanjoy Bhuyan


This experimental study determined the effectiveness of activity based teaching in retaining the achievement in science. In the present study, pre-test, post test equivalent group design was employed. It involved two groups of students (one experimental and one control). Experimental group was exposed to activity based teaching method and the control group was confined to the conventional method. The design comprised of five stages. The first stage involved matching of one-to-one subject on the basis of previous science test scores obtained from the school record. The second stage includes pre testing of student’s attitude of both the groups. The third stage involved treatment in the experimental group for eight weeks. The experimental treatment consisted of teaching four chapters of Science through activity based teaching. In the fourth stage the students of both the groups were post tested on science achievement. In the fifth stage the students of both the groups were again retested after a lapse of 15 days of the experimentation. Random sampling was used to assign the groups. Both the groups were equated on mental ability on the basis of previous science test scores of the school. After equating the groups 25 students of each group were taken as sample. Result indicated that the students who were taught through activity based teaching had shown significant improvement in their retention of science achievement than students who were taught through the conventional method. Students taught through activity based method showed gender neutrality on retention of science achievement.
Key words: Effectiveness, activity based teaching, science achievement retention.


Effectiveness, activity based teaching, science achievement retention


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Effect of Activity based Teaching on Retention of Science Achievement of Elementary School Students. Sanjoy Bhuyan. 2020. IJIRCT, Volume 6, Issue 3. Pages 1-5.

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