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Investigating The Socio-Economic Disparities in Cancer Incidence And Outcomes


Saud Mohammad Al Harbi, Nafel Sammah Alharbi, Abdulaziz Sughayyir Alharbi, Nasser Suliman Al-Nasser, Sulaiman Saleh Albawardisu


Cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with socio-economic disparities playing a significant role in cancer incidence and outcomes. This essay investigates the socio-economic disparities in cancer incidence and outcomes, focusing on how factors such as income, education, and access to healthcare can influence an individual's risk of developing cancer and their chances of surviving the disease. Through a review of relevant literature, this essay will explore the impact of socio-economic factors on cancer disparities, as well as potential strategies to address these inequities and improve outcomes for all individuals affected by cancer


socio-economic disparities, cancer, incidence, outcomes, income, education, healthcare access


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Investigating The Socio-Economic Disparities in Cancer Incidence And Outcomes. Saud Mohammad Al Harbi, Nafel Sammah Alharbi, Abdulaziz Sughayyir Alharbi, Nasser Suliman Al-Nasser, Sulaiman Saleh Albawardisu. 2020. IJIRCT, Volume 6, Issue 1. Pages 25-27.

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