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Article 370 : Introduction to Abrogation


Dr. Rachana Srivastava


5th August 2019 is a historic day in the constitutional history of India when the Union Government took a bold step to scrap a provision which was an obstacle to the unity and integrity of the nation. It has raised curiosity among the masses but becomes a little difficult to grasp for a person who is not aware of the background and history.
This paper on Article 370 of the constitution of India is an attempt to describe the entire issue in simple terms so that even a layman can understand this raging topic. It is broadly divided into 3 sections. The first part is introductory which gives us an insight into the actual circumstances under which special status was accorded to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It is extremely important as different parties have looked at it from their own angle thereby depriving it of authenticity and objectivity.
The second section deals with the actual happenings in August 2019 leading to abrogation. It covers the constitutional and legal aspects of the issue. Provisions before abrogation and the changes that will take place after the move is depicted in this part.
Lastly, I have tried to analyse this bold decision of the government. Conversion of a full fledge State into Union Territories is historically unprecedented in India. What does it imply and is there something left for the government to do is a pertinent question. My paper deals with the entire issue with utmost transparency, objectivity and non partisan spirit.


Article 370, Introduction, Abrogation, Constitutional Provisions, Legal Aspects, Implications


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Article 370 : Introduction to Abrogation. Dr. Rachana Srivastava. 2020. IJIRCT, Volume 6, Issue 1. Pages 8-21.

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