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Analyzing The Impact of Urbanization On Mental Health Disorders In Metropolitan Areas


Nafel Sammah Alharbi, Saud Mohammad Al Harbi, Abdulaziz Sughayyir Alharbi, Nasser Suliman Al-Nasser, Sulaiman Saleh Albawardisu, Hammad Abdullah Aljaloud


Urbanization is a global phenomenon that has led to the rapid expansion of metropolitan areas and an increase in mental health disorders among. This essay analyzes the impact of urbanization on mental health disorders in metropolitan areas by examining various factors such as population, social isolation, access to mental health services, and environmental stressors. The methodology includes a review of the literature on the subject and an analysis of relevant studies. The discussion explores the relationship between urbanization and mental health disorders, highlighting the challenges and opportunities for addressing these issues. The conclusion the need for policy interventions and urban planning strategies to promote mental health in metropolitan areas.


Urbanization, mental health disorders, metropolitan areas, population density, social isolation, access to mental health services, environmentalors


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Analyzing The Impact of Urbanization On Mental Health Disorders In Metropolitan Areas. Nafel Sammah Alharbi, Saud Mohammad Al Harbi, Abdulaziz Sughayyir Alharbi, Nasser Suliman Al-Nasser, Sulaiman Saleh Albawardisu, Hammad Abdullah Aljaloud. 2019. IJIRCT, Volume 5, Issue 1. Pages 21-23.

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