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Digital Corporate Governance


M. Geetha Bai


Corporate Governance is the internal process and methods of carrying out work in an organization and Board of Directors are the locus point of Corporate Governance. Board directors need to step into the digital age if they want to be effective as governors of their companies. They need to embrace digital means of preparing for board meetings. The reasons are innumerable and most important being the volume of information has grown dramatically in recent years. The present study aims to identify the need for the Board of Directors to adopt technology in their working, may it be preparing for a meeting or making strategies or understanding new business ideas developed. Some suggestions are also made as to how the overall Corporate Governance in a company can be brought on the way to digitalization.


Corporate Governance, Board of Directors, Digitalization


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Digital Corporate Governance. M. Geetha Bai. 2019. IJIRCT, Volume 5, Issue 1. Pages 9-10.

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