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Organizational Culture Change


Ramandeep Kaur


Passionate about their missions, many nonprofit organizations attempt to make hanges with the goal of enhancing their social impact. Additionally, organizations in the social sector are often compelled to make changes in response to demands from their customers, funders, regulators, and other stakeholders for more effective, affordable, accessible, and consumer-friendly services. However, despite the best of intentions and efforts, sustainable change is challenging for organizations in general. The literature consistently cites a 60-70 percent failure rate for organizational change initiatives starting in the 1970’s through the present (Ashkenas, 2013). For this reason, examples of successful organizational transformation that occur within the complexity of the social sector are particularly noteworthy.
Woods Services, Inc. (Woods) is a dynamic and thriving nonprofit population health, human services, and advocacy organization, headquartered in Langhorne, Pennsylvania, that addresses the social determinants of health and the special needs of more than 22,000 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and complex medical and behavioral health conditions. Woods’ continuum of care includes innovative, comprehensive, and integrated medical, behavioral health, education, housing, workforce, and social services and support. Building upon Woods’ more than 100 years of experience and expertise, a new leadership team that was formed in 2016 developed an ambitious strategic directions and transformation plan to implement long-overdue organizational, programmatic, and infrastructure changes that were needed to better meet the needs of the individuals served, to respond to mounting stakeholder expectations, and to succeed in today’s business, regulatory, funding, and sociopolitical environments. As a result of these efforts, Woods has become one of the largest premiere intellectual disabilities organizations in the country.
Woods is in the process of writing a book that shares the story about how it was able to accomplish in less than two years what it took other organizations decades to build, if they had built it at all. The book is intended for business leaders who are seeking valuable insights and practical strategies and tools about how to successfully drive organizational change. This article focuses on one critical aspect of the change process, organizational culture change.




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Organizational Culture Change. Ramandeep Kaur. 2018. IJIRCT, Volume 4, Issue 6. Pages 180-189.

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