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PLC based Batch Process Control System at Cattle Feed Plant


Lohit Banakar, Veena P.N.


Compound cattle feed is an important constituent of ration, considering the fact that dairy animals in India have limited access to cultivated green fodder and grasses. Most of the macro and micro nutrients requirement of animals are provided by compound feed, especially on crop residue based diets. It is possible to formulate balanced rations of ingredients using PLC based batch process control system for growing and lactating animals only if the feed used conforms to the laid down specifications for energy, protein, minerals, vitamins etc. In this paper study was carried out to develop PLC based batch process programming control system at cattle feed plant. Using programmable control systems for controlling a feed production line increases productivity, save energy and cost. It is preferred to use the programmable control system with multimedia interface to control feed production.


Batch Process Control, PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), CFP (Cattle Feed Plant), Product Recopies.


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PLC based Batch Process Control System at Cattle Feed Plant. Lohit Banakar, Veena P.N.. 2018. IJIRCT, Volume 4, Issue 6. Pages 162-168.

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