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Group Cohesion and Team Performance in Sports


Dr. Jayakumar. K


The psychological dynamism of sports group is an important component of sports psychology. Group cohesion is a major determinant for good performance in team games than personal psychological pre-requisites. The purpose of the study was to compare and analyse the effect of group cohesiveness on the performance of intervarsity basketball and volleyball players of both sexes. The samples selected for the study were 384 university players who participated in the All-India intervarsity tournaments. Group Environment Questionnaire by Albert V. Carron was administered. Appropriate Statistical techniques were employed. Group Cohesion variables showed significant positive relationship to performance. The results of the present study provide a general profile and insight of vital psychological characteristics of intervarsity level basketball and volleyball players of both genders and the sport wise (basketball and volleyball) as well as the gender wise differences in group cohesion. The knowledge about the social dimensions of sports, which would help coaches to deal with individual sportspersons and with sports groups in helpful and insightful ways. The findings of the study would assist coaches to communicate more readily with Sports Psychologists in availing psychological services in the testing of athletes, remedial aspects, psychological preparation, and short-term clinical counseling, of emotional problems faced by athletes.


Group Cohesion, Individual Attractions to Group-Task, Individual Attractions to Group-Social, Group Integration-Task, Group Integration-Social, Performance


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Group Cohesion and Team Performance in Sports. Dr. Jayakumar. K. 2018. IJIRCT, Volume 4, Issue 4. Pages 107-111.

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