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Health Information Exchange (HIE): The Role Of HIE In Improving The Sharing And Exchange Of Patient Information Across Different healthcare settings


Talal Mutlaq Al-Harbi, Adel Lafi Alharbi, Bandar Zaben Alharbi, Rashid Obaid Alharbi, Naif Abdul Rahman Al-Azmi


Health Information Exchange (HIE) plays a crucial role in improving the sharing and exchange of patient information across different healthcare providers. This essay explores the significance of HIE in enhancing the coordination of care, reducing medical errors, and improving patient outcomes. The methodology involves an analysis of existing research studies and literature on the topic of HIE. The results highlight the benefits and challenges associated with implementing HIE systems. The discussion emphasizes the need for standardized protocols, interoperability, and data security in HIE initiatives. In conclusion, HIE offers immense potential for transforming healthcare delivery by promoting seamless information flow and collaborative decision-making among healthcare professionals.


Health Information Exchange, patient information sharing, interoperability, data security, healthcare coordination


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Health Information Exchange (HIE): The Role Of HIE In Improving The Sharing And Exchange Of Patient Information Across Different healthcare settings. Talal Mutlaq Al-Harbi, Adel Lafi Alharbi, Bandar Zaben Alharbi, Rashid Obaid Alharbi, Naif Abdul Rahman Al-Azmi. 2018. IJIRCT, Volume 4, Issue 3. Pages 85-87.

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