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Coevolution of Science, Technology and Society


Parul Gupta


Innovations in science & technology have a critical impact in fields related to sustainable development such as health monitoring, energy management, agricultural productivity, pollution control, food processing and many others. Continued national, international and societal efforts are necessary to deliver on the full potential of the researches in science and technology for subsequent growth and development. Growth should be such that it meets the economic, environmental and societal needs of a country. Infact the problems in our social surroundings lead to several technological innovations so we can clearly see the coevolution of the technology and society. However, appropriate safeguards to the society must keep pace with the scientific and technological advances in any discipline be it biotechnology or medical or nanotechnology. These important and sensitive issues are now dealt under expanding and advancing branches of ethics viz environmental, biotechnological , industrial or medical ethics.


science, technology, society, environment


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Coevolution of Science, Technology and Society. Parul Gupta. 2016. IJIRCT, Volume 2, Issue 4. Pages 179-182.

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