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Addressing the Challenges of Pesticide Residue: Impacts on Agriculture, Environment, and Public Health


Dr. Sunita Lega


The fields for agriculture is continuously decreasing due to many reasons like increase in residential areas in parallel to the continuous increase in world population, opening of new urban residential areas, establishment of factories, increase in the number of highways and vehicles. Since the area of the world is limited, opening new fields for agriculture is not possible in order to meet the requirement of increasing population. Pesticides come first among the inputs used to increase product amount to be obtained from unit of area. Pesticides are chemical compounds used with the aim of removing micro and macro pests in the agriculture. Use of pesticides in agricultural struggle applications appears the easiest and the cheapest method. This situation increases use of these compounds for long years. Increasing amount of pesticide using also creates a general and potential danger like use of other toxic materials. Three main problems determine the limits in continuous use of pesticides: Organisms become resistant against pesticides in time, Some pesticides do not undergo biodegradation easily, but remains resisting in the environment they are implemented or carried and They also harm some living things other than those targeted. In this paper, discussion is focused on the impact of pesticide residue in agricultural pollution and remediation options and strategies are considered in the following conclusions.


Agriculture, Pesticide, Biodegradation, Pesticidal residue


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Addressing the Challenges of Pesticide Residue: Impacts on Agriculture, Environment, and Public Health. Dr. Sunita Lega. 2016. IJIRCT, Volume 2, Issue 6. Pages 252-259.

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