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Traditional Wisdom and Biodiversity Protection Among Tribal Communities of Jharkhand, India


Meena Kumari


This research paper investigates the religious beliefs of the tribes in Jharkhand and their significant influence on biodiversity conservation. By combining insights from anthropology and ecology, the study examines the intricate connection between indigenous spirituality, cultural customs, and ecological care. Central to this exploration is the concept of totemism, which emphasizes the respect for specific plants or animals representing ancestral spirits or deities. Within tribal communities, these totemic beliefs drive conservation efforts, guiding sustainable management of resources and nurturing a profound bond with the environment. Taboos, integral to indigenous religious practices, play a crucial role in regulating resource use and maintaining ecological harmony. Taboos dictate restrictions on harvesting or hunting during religious festivals and seasonal rituals, allowing nature to regenerate and resources to replenish. Such restrictions also designate certain areas as sacred groves or sarna, where plant and animal species are shielded from human interference, safeguarding biodiversity and cultural heritage. Despite their importance, sacred groves and traditional conservation methods face numerous threats such as industrialization, urbanization, and deforestation. Additionally, the decline of traditional beliefs among younger generations further jeopardizes these sacred sites and biodiversity hotspots, making them vulnerable to degradation. Through interdisciplinary research and collaboration with local communities, this study aims to inform policies and community-driven initiatives for preserving ecological heritage and promoting sustainable development in Jharkhand. By recognizing and preserving indigenous knowledge and cultural practices, we can pave way for more balanced and sustainable relationship between humans and natural world, not only in Jharkhand but also beyond its borders.


Tribal Communities, Jharkhand, Religious Beliefs, Biodiversity Conservation, Totemism, Sacred Groves, Traditional Knowledge, Sustainable Resource Management


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Traditional Wisdom and Biodiversity Protection Among Tribal Communities of Jharkhand, India. Meena Kumari. 2016. IJIRCT, Volume 2, Issue 2. Pages 90-97.

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