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Zinc Pyrithione a Comprehensive Review of Antimicrobial Agent for Personal Care and Industrial Application


Meenakshi Jonwal


Zinc Pyrithione (ZnPT2), the derivative of PT that is produced prevalently is a well-known chemical. It has many names and was first reported in 1930. Zinc Pyrithione (ZPTO) is used as an antifungal, and antibacterial agent. It is employed as a preservative in various commercial products such as cosmetics or industrial fluids. Apart from these, ZPTO is best known for its use as the active ingredient in several anti-dandruff shampoos. This paper presents a concise review about zinc Pyrithione, its applications, and mode of action. Zinc pyrithione (ZPTO) is a versatile compound with significant medical and industrial applications. In the medical field, ZPTO acts as an antifungal and antibacterial agent, making it a key ingredient in anti-dandruff shampoos, lotions, and creams. Clinical tests have demonstrated its unique ability to reduce surfactant irritation, offering relief from irritant contact dermatitis. Beyond dermatological use, ZPTO has proven effective against various pathogens and is utilized in treatments for conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and athlete's foot. In industrial applications, ZPTO is used as an algaecide in outdoor paints, offering protection against marine fouling organisms. Due to its low solubility, it serves as a substitute biocide in anti-fouling paints following the ban on organotin anti-foulants. However, its limited water solubility necessitates specific usage restrictions and considerations in formulations, with its maximum concentration regulated in cosmetic products. There are multifaceted mode of action of Pyrithione, an antimicrobial and fungistatic agent, specifically focusing on its use in antidandruff shampoos. While its precise mechanisms remain unclear, hypotheses suggest its entry into cells as a chelate, potentially disrupting metal cofactors of enzymes or interfering with thymidine uptake. Moreover, Pyrithione may induce membrane depolarization and inhibit the primary proton pump, affecting membrane transport. Studies explore its impact on cytosolic pH, external pH dependence, and electrical conductance. Investigations with zinc pyrithione shampoo indicate that its effectiveness against dandruff is more likely antifungal than cytostatic. This research raises questions about squame cohesion and microbial theories of dandruff, prompting further examination.


Zinc Pyrithione, Anti-dandruff, Anti-microbial, Personal Care, Paint and Coating


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Zinc Pyrithione a Comprehensive Review of Antimicrobial Agent for Personal Care and Industrial Application. Meenakshi Jonwal. 2016. IJIRCT, Volume 2, Issue 2. Pages 71-89.

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