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IoT Based Home Automation Appliance using RASPBERRY PI3


P. Thimmaiah


Home automation is an important milestone in achieving smart grid and is ever exciting field that has exploded over the past few years. Advancement in technologies have made homes more convenient, efficient and even more secure. Introducing the Raspberry Pi to the world of home automation provides numerous customizations to turn a regular home into a smart home. The project revolves around creating a home automation system with the main focus being controlling the electrical appliances through smart phone. This project deals with design and control of the home appliances using raspberry pi as the central device, and any smart phone which would act as user interface. The mobile device will communicate with a home automation network through an internet gateway, but cannot directly communicate with the devices in the network. The android device would control the home appliances using the internet and raspberry pi as the server system. The relay circuit board is interfaced to the raspberry pi which controls the home appliances.


IoT, RASPBERRY PI, sensor, Home Automation


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IoT Based Home Automation Appliance using RASPBERRY PI3. P. Thimmaiah. 2015. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 3. Pages 389-393.

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