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Difficulties Arising During In Vitro Propagation Through Mature Nodal Explant of Acacia senegal (L) Willd - An Arid Zone Tree Species


Parul Gupta


The present communication is about factors affecting in vitro regeneration of Acacia senegal through mature nodal explant. Various problems like leaching, contamination, leaf-fall were experienced during the in vitro propagation of A. senegal. Pretreatment of mature tree explant with chilled anti-oxidant solution (polyvinyl pyrollidone 150 mg l-1, ascorbic acid 100 mg l-1 and citric acid 100 mg l-1) helped to combat the problem of leaching. 70%v/v ethanol treatment was helpful against the excessive contamination and various additives like adenine sulphate, glutamine and ascorbic acid when added in the media were helpful in overcoming the problems of leaf fall and leaching. Growth regulators viz. BAP, Kn, IBA, NAA, 2,4-D, were used for desired morphogenetic responses in in vitro cultures.


in vitro propagation, Acacia senegal, problems, solutions.


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Difficulties Arising During In Vitro Propagation Through Mature Nodal Explant of Acacia senegal (L) Willd - An Arid Zone Tree Species. Parul Gupta. 2015. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 2. Pages 248-252.

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