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Techniques of Teaching in Higher Secondary Education in Assam: An Overview


Nawshad Ali Ahmed


"Schools have to find ways of successfully educating all children, including those who have serious disadvantages and disabilities."
- Salamanca Declaration

The international move towards inclusion of special needs children into mainstream classrooms rather than educating them in an isolated environment has been a main concern raising, issues and interest for educators, policymakers and researchers in recent times. But every society has to decide in a unique way as how to deal with the Children with Special Needs (CWSN). This topic is an attempt to shed some light on the topic of inclusive education. It offers hope to those schools ready to implement inclusive education. The topic also would encourage the school authorities and the educational bodies to take initiatives in establishing inclusive education schools and create awareness to join the drive for “education for all”.


Teaching Techniques, Higher Secondary Education, Children with Special Needs, Assam


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Techniques of Teaching in Higher Secondary Education in Assam: An Overview. Nawshad Ali Ahmed. 2015. IJIRCT, Volume 1, Issue 2. Pages 244-247.

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