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Psychological dynamics of Discounts. Cognitive and emotional factor influencing consumer choice during sales event


Hari Om Lohia, Dr. Vinamra Jain


This research aims to explore the relationship between consumers' perception of discounts during sales events and their cognitive appraisal of product quality. The study employs a mixed-method approach, utilizing both primary data collected through a questionnaire and secondary data derived from relevant journals and research papers. The primary data collection involves administering a structured questionnaire to 109 participants selected through convenience sampling. Participants are asked to rate their perception of discounts, cognitive appraisal of product quality, and demographic information. Secondary data from academic journals and research papers are gathered to provide theoretical background and contextual insights. The primary data are analyzed using Microsoft Excel, employing correlation analysis to examine the relationship between perception of discounts and cognitive appraisal of product quality. To give a full picture of customer actions during sales events, we combine results from primary and secondary data sources. This study adds to the body of knowledge in consumer psychology and retail marketing by illuminating the elements that influence shoppers' decision-making when faced with sales and discounts.



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Psychological dynamics of Discounts. Cognitive and emotional factor influencing consumer choice during sales event. Hari Om Lohia, Dr. Vinamra Jain. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 2. Pages 1-10.

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