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The Impact of Culture on Health Food Choices in Urban India


Saharsh Vardhan, Vinamra Jain


1. Background: This study investigates the impact of religion, culture, and health perceptions on dietary practices among individuals in urban India. The study addresses the importance of knowing how these factors shape food choices and eating habits, given their significant impact on overall well-being.

2. Objectives: The study objectives include recognizing the effect of religion and culture on food choices, examining customary eating habits for wellness and health, and recognizing healthy eating perceptions and related difficulties.

3. Methods: A mixed-method approach incorporating both qualitative and quantitative methods was adopted. Convenience sampling was used to select 75 respondents covering different demographic groups. Data was collected through surveys given via Google Forms, capturing information on dietary habits, cultural influences, and health perceptions. Descriptive and
inferential analyses, including ANOVA, were performed to analyse the data.

4. Results: Key results show the diverse influence of religion and culture on food choices, with a majority of respondents acknowledging the impact of their religious beliefs on dietary
practices. Cultural traditions, such as specific dietary customs during festivals and rituals, were also common among respondents. Additionally, respondents reported different dietary practices linked with wellness and health, including vegetarianism, fasting rituals, and adherence to Ayurvedic principles. While age did not significantly affect stated frequencies of incorporating healthy foods, other demographic factors and qualitative aspects may contribute to dietary behaviours.

5. Conclusion: This study highlights the intricate interplay between religion, society, and health perceptions in shaping dietary habits among individuals in urban India. Understanding these influences is important for supporting healthy eating behaviours and addressing challenges
such as access to healthy foods and cultural pressures. The results add to existing knowledge in the field and have implications for public health interventions and policy initiatives aimed at promoting healthier food choices.


Religion, culture, dietary habits, health perceptions, urban India, mixed methods, convenience sampling, surveys, ANOVA


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The Impact of Culture on Health Food Choices in Urban India. Saharsh Vardhan, Vinamra Jain. 2024. IJIRCT, Volume 10, Issue 2. Pages 1-19.

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